Easy-to-read information about registration in the Swedish Arthroplasty Register
We collect data about many operations.
Then knee and hip replacement operations can be better.
All hospitals in Sweden collect information on knee and hip replacement operations.
During an operation a knee or a hip prosthesis is inserted.
Sometimes operations were the alignment in the knee is changed are performed.
It’s called knee osteotomy.
We collect data from operations in a register.
It’s named the Swedish Arthroplasty Register.
The data is about how the patients are doing
and how much pain they have in their knees and hips.
Which surgical methods are best?
Which hip prosthesis are best?
Which knee prosthesis are best?
We can compare the care in different hospitals.
Knee and hip replacement operations
has become better in Sweden due to the registration.
We want them to be even better.
We want all patients to get the best care.
We want to collect information about your operation
It is good that there are data from many operations.
We can then be more sure that the results are correct.
We want to collect information about your operation in the register.
It does not change the care you will have.
The information contributes to a better care in the future.
This will many patients benefit from.
It’s voluntarily to participate in the register.
If you do not want to participate, please tell the staff.
We have to follow the laws
When we collect data to the register we have to follow the laws.
The laws are named the General Data Protection Regulation
and the Patient Data Act.
We collect data to the register because it’s good for the health care and the society.
This we will use the data for
We want to find out what can be better.
Statistics. As for example to find out how many operations
that ended with a good result.
The information about you is secret
There are laws that tells that the information in the register is secret.
Only persons whom have permission is allowed to see them.
Only those who give you care are allowed to see them,
for example nurses and surgeons.
Some persons who work with the register may also see them.
When doing statistics, data from many operations are put together.
It’s not possible to see which operation the result is about.
When the information in the register is not needed anymore the information is deleted.
We keep data safe
We protect the information so that unauthorized persons cannot access them.
We use several technical ways to protect the information.
Your rights
You have the right to avoid data about you being collected in the register.
If you want any information to be removed, we will remove it.
You have the right to know what is written about you in the register.
If something written about you is wrong, you can get it corrected.
You have the right to know which nurses and surgeons
have been able to read information about you.
If those in charge of the data break the laws, you can complain about it.
Then the errors must be corrected.
In some cases, you can receive damages, i.e. money as compensation.
Find out more
Here you can read more about how we protect information about your operation.
Do you want to talk to someone about the Swedish Arthroplasty Register?
You can write a letter, call or e-mail.
Write a letter to:
The Swedish Arthroplasty Register
Center of Registers Västra Götaland
413 45 Gothenburg
Call: +46 10-441 29 31
E-mail: slr@registercentrum.se
The board of Region Västra Götaland is responsible for
our compliance with the law.
There is a person called the data protection officer.
The data protection officer ensures that the law is followed.
Do you want to contact the data protection officer?
E-mail: koncernkontoret.dso@vgregion.se
For patients